
Antusias Pekerja Migran Indonesia ( PMI ) Gresik di Malaysia, Dalam Sukseskan Pilkada Gresik 2020

Enthusiastic Gresik Indonesian Migrant Workers(PMI) 
in Malaysia In Succeeding Gresik Election 2020
Malaysia- gerbangnusantaranews.com
Di tengah pandemi Covid 19 yang melanda belahan Dunia termasuk Malaysia.
tidak menyurutkan para ketua perwakilan ormas daerah ( Bawean, Bungah, sedayu, ujung pangkah, Dukun, panceng ) untuk mengadakan pertemuan Do'a Bersama sekaligus mempererat tali silaturrahmi antar warga gresik di Malaysia.

In the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic that has hit parts of the world including Malaysia.
did not dampen the heads of representatives of regional mass organizations (Bawean, Bungah, sedayu, end of step, Shaman, panceng) to hold a Joint Prayer meeting as well as tighten the ties of friendship between Gresik residents in Malaysia.

Pertemuan, Diskusi yang di pimpin Sahabat Nur Alamin ketua persatuan ormas dari Kecamatan Dukun itu, berjalan lancar dan semangat kekeluargaan yg sangat tinggi antar sesama warga PMI Gresik.

The meeting, the discussion which was led by Sahabat Nur Alamin, the head of the organization of mass organizations from the Dukun District, proceeded smoothly and with a very high level of family spirit among PMI Gresik residents.
Pertemuan yg di laksanakan di Chowkit Kuala Lumpur itu
Menghasilkan suatu harapan kepada Bupati yg terpilih di pilkada Gresik Desember 2020 mendatang, untuk bisa memperhatikan dan membantu para PMI Gresik di Malaysia yg kurang bernasib baik. " Ujar Alamin dikatakanya bahwa Point Itu antara Lain:

The meeting was held at the Kuala Lumpur Chowkit
Generating a hope for the Regent who was elected in the Gresik elections in December 2020, to be able to pay attention and help the Gresik PMI in Malaysia who lacked good fortune. "Said Alamin dikatakanya that Point was among Other:

-1. Menfasilitasi pemulangan PMI Gresik yg meninggal Dunia di Malaysia.
-2.membantu meringankan biaya pengobatan para PMI Gresik yg Rentan dan Sakit.
- 3.memberi peluang pekerjaan bagi PMI Gresik yang kontrak kerjanya di malaysia sudah selesai ( tidak bisa menyambung ) sesuai dengan bidang dan keahlianya."Jelas Alamin. (1/8/2020)

1. Facilitating the repatriation of deceased World PMI Gresik in Malaysia.
-2.membantu alleviate medical costs of the PMI Gresik who Vulnerable and Ill.
- 3.memberi jobs for which work contracts Gresik PMI in Malaysia it has been completed (cannot be connected) in accordance with its field and expertise. "Alamin explained. (1/8/2020)

Akhir dari perbincangan dalam pertemuan, para ketua perwakilan bersepakat bersama - sama untuk mensukseskan pemilihan kepala daerah di Kabupaten gresik penuh Bahagia, Berdemokrasi secara sehat dan penuh edukasi" Pungkas Sahabat Alamin Yang juga ketua Ansor Cabang Malaysia Asli Mojopetung Dukun Gresik.

At the end of the discussion at the meeting, the chairmen of representatives agreed together to succeed in the election of regional heads in Gresik Regency full of happiness, democracy in a healthy and educational manner, "concluded Friends of Alamin who is also the head of Ansor Malaysia's Original Branch Mojopetung Dukun Gresik. (Syafik Hoo)


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